11 Aug 2009

TOYS + LEGO MAC-11 Sub Machine Gun

Blat, blat, blat... I want one! You cant beat a nice looking gun, especially a MAC-11 made out of Lego bricks!. Not sure what the age range is? 4-60 Years maybe? Contains small pieces small children may choke, may shoot themselves in the foot more like. For more info and where to buy these little puppies, Ooh! and a nice looking SMG (Sub Machine Gun, for non gun lovers) at brickgun.com

27 May 2009

DESIGN – Half A Conversation

I Love Boxie... a mint graphic language t-shirt website has launched 'Half A Conversation' where you can have a custom tee made from your very own life experiences, worth checking out the tees and reading the stories behind them. Jennifer above has a few, all to do with Falling in Love with some hunk or something...Cute!. I've just thought of my own Tee Slogan..."Big Jammy Bakewell Tart, Bright Yellow Custard" The story goes... I went to the gym today, burnt loads of calories, when't for a nice roast beef and yorkshire pudding diner, had a little dip in energy and spotted this sexy little Bakewell Tart winking at me, so I poured custard all over her and munched away. Simples!

DESIGN – World's Wackiest Racer

Wow! The World's Wackiest Racer..."Watch him go in the sunlight! A lovely little red solar –powered racing car to build. No batteries – just power from the sun". May contain nuts and small parts, not suitable for children under 3 years old. They also have Solar Robots, Solar Animals, Solar Helicopters and Solar Aeroplanes... I want to be a boy again, check 'em out at Select Solar.

22 May 2009

WEIRD - Teenage Mutant Ninja Puddles

Cowabunga! For those who are overly concerned about dog emotions, I suggest you tune out now. For those who don't really care, It's just a dog check out: Sandy Paws Grooming Shop. Enjoy! Dog Haters, I'm calling the RSPCA right now... 0300 1234 999 "Hello..."

FASHION - I Made You a Beard

Women and Beards? Knitted Beards even? You might think that's a little odd!... Well if you studied in Taunton, UK like I did back in the late 90s and shopped in the local Sainsbury's, you will have seen it all before. There was one fine specimen who used to scan my Barcodes, she had a lovely flowing silvery/grey beard that glistned under the strip lighting. I digress... Check out Erin Dolla Blog IMadeYouABeard.blogspot.com she is trail blazing the under 30's beard movement. You go girl!

17 Apr 2009

WEBSITE Tweenbots | Kacie Kinzer NY

I Love a Robot me... Just received an email with an article about Tweenbots, a Robot/People art experiment by Kacie Kinzer. "Tweenbots are human-dependent robots that navigate the city with the help of pedestrians they encounter. Rolling at a constant speed, in a straight line, Tweenbots have a destination displayed on a flag, and rely on people they meet to read this flag and to aim them in the right direction to reach their goal." There is a great Lo-Fi video showing Mission 1: Get from the Northeast to the Southwest Corner of Washington Square Park / time: 42 minutes / number of people who intervened: 29. Enjoy! I did. Na nu, na nu...

16 Apr 2009

VIDEO Lacoste Red 'Dance with us!'

Well Hello! What do we have here then? The latest Lacoste microsite offering; "Come Dance with us!" Why not... I like to boogie...(Where's my drink?). Check out the full version of this moving image eye candy feast at LacosteRed.com. Oooh! the lovely flashy Red and Green bits. WARNING! May contain flashing images and nuts. (un-bloc can not be held liable for eppileptic fits, swollen wind pipes or any other associated side effects from exposure to flashing images.

19 Mar 2009

VIDEO + Papervision - Augmented Reality

Yes! that's correct I said "Augmented Reality" Using a webcam and flash, Boffswana took ‘Proto’ (an ugly blob of green snot) from their desktop to the desk. If you can not get your head round it at first glance check Boffswana's website for a 'How-to' explaination and on how you can get 'Proto' on your desktop. It's the future I've seen it.

WEBSITE + got milk?

"Holy Molar" Check out this wicked Flash & Papervision website 'got milk?'. I Love Milk, it's milky... Mmmmm! and good for lot's of ailments so I'm informed "the new fad super drink" good for hair, skin, nails, muscles, PMS (whatever that is?), sleep, strong bones and cavities.

14 Jan 2009

Typography + Alphabet Cities (by Craig Ward)

Apart from sleeping, surfing and jack daniels, typography is up there as one of my favorite things. The inter-character spacing of Craig Ward's prints are getting my typography juices flowing, as a friend of mine would say "Sex and Typography are my two favorite things" you know who you are... Why not go purchase yourself one of these sweet Large scale typographic maps of the cities Craig has visited at www.wordsarepictures.co.uk (£70, it's a steel).

Illustration + Raaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!

Do you think he saw us?
Dad joke I know, but they are the best kind (well that's what my dad says). Check out some more of these really cool 'Roger Rabbit' style illustrations from Portuguese artist Ana Ventura.